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Brand Strategy
Visual Identity
Packaging Design
Course Design
Web Design
Swag + Collateral Design
Art Direction

The Tony Robbins team came to Outset with the concept of creating a new brand aimed at women. Inspired from the Tony Robbins’ program Unleash Your Power Within, this unique community dedicated toward women and their transformation came forth. As it gained its foundation, Outset was entrusted to uncover the essence of Unleash Her Power Within as it stays true and lives under the Tony Robbins brand umbrella. Through extensive strategy work, we discovered UHPW’s unique foundation. In their boldness and passion, a brand that would match them in its call to action, trusted leadership, and unique space for women to gather and transform together was called for.

Our team brought this to life in an intentional brand discovery process. From ideating the brand strategy to conceptualizing all visual elements and creative direction, Outset carefully curated UHPWs unique essence to stand strong and embody the powerful transformation that happens within the program. Disrupting the self transformation space with a women’s community unlike anything of its kind. This resulted in a vibrant brand that explores color in a meaningful manner with design elements that call us all to action. Feeling true to the ethos of the Tony Robbins brand, UHPW inspires each woman to tap into their hidden power and create the life they envision!